Wednesday, January 29, 2014

10 Methods To Make Old Computer systems Helpful

Old computers still have many uses.

Technology improves so fast that most of us upgrade to a new computer every two or three years. But old computers are still useful. Even if they are broken and no longer work as a whole, you can still use their constituent parts. And if they're really dead, they can be completely recycled.

Use as a File Server

A server is really just a large computer. If all you need to do is store files to access on your PC via your home network or a wireless network, your old computer should still be able to do this. Keep the machine running, connect your new computer to it, and you're all set. This will free up space on your new machine.

Deter Thieves

Keep your new computer safe by putting your old machine somewhere highly visible, such as in a front room or by a window. A thief who sees it may think that your property is not worth breaking into if your old dinosaur of a computer is an example of your goods.

Use as Portable File Storage

Old laptop hard drives make cheap portable storage.

Old laptop hard drives make perfect portable storage devices. Buy a cheap case from a computer shop, and insert your drive. Then just plug it into another computer via a USB cable, and store your media, photos and documents on it. Having an extra 80 gigabytes of space comes in handy.


If you're upgrading your hardware, why not give your old PC to a registered charity, local school, library or even a family who can't afford one? Lots of people will be more than willing to take it off your hands as long as it's not too outdated and still runs well.

Use as a Firewall

A firewall server will help keep your new PC safe.

Protect your new PC and control what passes into your home network by using your old machine as a firewall server through which email and other network information passes. Firewall software doesn't take up much computer space, nor does it need a particularly fast processor.

Play Vintage Video Games

Old video games require very little processing power and usually take up less than 1 megabyte of space on your hard drive. An old machine should run them easily.

Use for Distributed Computing

Distributed computing can help with scientific research and medicine.

This is a relatively new idea. Some nonprofit companies and charities require extra computing power to help with their research. You can hook up your old PC to their network, and they can use its processor to boost their efforts.

Use the Parts

Some old computer parts are reusable.

If you upgrade your PC often and like to build your own machines from individually bought parts, why not reuse parts from your old computer? The PC case can be refilled with a new motherboard and processor, and often the RAM can be installed in a new machine to make it faster.

Make a Video Monitor

By connecting a webcam to your old PC, you can monitor your house, yard, babysitter or pet when you're not home. You can watch from your main PC or, if you're a bit more technically savvy, view remotely over the Internet or via a handheld PC. There is an application on the iPhone to do this.

Recycle It Responsibly

Recycle computers with Mother Earth in mind.

When your old PC is finally dead, take it to a professional recycling center. Computers sitting in landfills release carbon and mercury into the atmosphere, and their plastic parts are very slow to break down.

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