Thursday, January 30, 2014

Convert Rax Music Files To Mp3 Music

MP3 is a widely compatible music format.

The RAX file container format is the proprietary format for the Real Music Store. RAX files are similar in quality to MP3s, but are only playable using RealPlayer software. Conversely, MP3 files are compatible with nearly every digital media jukebox and music device on the market. The best way to convert between RAX and MP3 is to use downloadable conversion software specifically designed for the purpose.


1. Open a web browser, such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, and locate a program designed to convert RAX files into MP3s. You can find links to a few popular options in Resources.

2. Download the conversion software. If possible, download a trial or demo version of the software before making a purchase.

3. Install the software, agreeing to any necessary terms and conditions.

4. Locate the "Choose File..." or "Locate" button in the software. Select the RAX file you wish to convert in the window.

5. Select "MP3" as your output format.

6. Click the "Begin" or "Convert" button to start the conversion. Depending on the specific software you've downloaded, the new MP3 file will either appear on your desktop or within the conversion software's folders.

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