Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Embed Yahoo Music Player Codes To This Site

Embed Yahoo MP3 Player Codes to My Website

The Yahoo! Media Player makes it simple to add MP3 playback to any website. The single line of code makes use of JavaScript to create a playback link to your audio files. You just need to link to the audio files, paste the code into the desired location and upload the HTML file to your server. Visitors are presented with a "Play" button next to each audio file and may start and stop the songs at will.


1. Start your FTP program from the "Start" menu or the desktop icon and connect to your website server.

2. Create a new file on the server called "MP3."

3. Select all of the MP3 files you want available for playback on your website and drag them into the "MP3" file on the remote server to begin the FTP transfer.

4. Open your website's HTML file in an HTML editor or Notepad.

5. Choose where you want the links for MP3 playback to appear and link to the individual MP3 files. Use the following code for each song:

My Song 1. This code must be placed exactly where you want the playback link to appear in the context of your webpage.

6. Copy the following code at the beginning of the HTML code for your webpage, inside of the "body" tags: . This embeds the Yahoo! Media Player script and creates the playback functionality.

7. Save the HTML file and drag it to the desired location on the remote server using the FTP program for upload.

8. Open any Web browser and navigate to your website. Each song link now has a "Play" button next to it. If the previous steps were completed correctly, each song may now be controlled via the embedded Yahoo! Media Player.

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