Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Get The Dog Right Into A Movie

You've been told more then once that your dog is adorable and should be in pictures. You've thought about pursuing and entertainment career for your pet, but haven't been sure where to start. A dog needs more then a cute face to be in movies. Here are some helpful tips on get your dog into the film business.


1. Make sure your dog has a good temperament and is well socialized. The friendlier and more outgoing your dog is, the better. Film sets are busy, high-energy places. Your pet will have to interact with members of the film crew and other actors, so a good temperament and a friendly nature are important.

2. Make sure your dog is well trained. Training is very important, the more well trained your dog the greater potential he has for getting acting work. Be sure your dog can respond to hand signals and silent commands. Taking your dog to an obedience school that specializes in training pets for the entertainment industry can help prepare your pet for his career.

3. Be sure your pet is medically up to date and well groomed. It's important that your pet has all his shots and is in good health. Being well groomed also conveys the image of good health, as well as showing off the attractiveness of your pet.

4. Find a pet talent agency. A pet talent agency can help you find potential movie roles for your dog. Look for agencies in your area through the Internet search engine you prefer. Send prospective agents head shots of your pet and pictures of your pet in action. Also include a list of tricks your pet is able to perform outside of standard obedience commands (i.e., sit or heel).

5. Be sure your pet is ready to perform on short notice. Prospective talent agencies will want to see your pet in action before they decide to sign him up. Work with your pet regularly so that when the time comes he's prepared and ready to show what he can do in front of an audience.

6. Make sure your have time for your pet's career. A flexible schedule is important. Your pet will have to go to auditions and meet numerous people to get roles in movies. Be certain of the amount of time you wish to dedicate to your pet's career before pursuing it.

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