Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Restoration Era Research Paper Ideas

The Restoration marks the restoring of British monarchy to power.

In British history, the Restoration era was the period during which the monarchy was being restored after the civil wars of the mid-17th century. It was also the period in which many Europeans were emigrating to North America, and the American colonies were just beginning to rebel against the monarchies. It was a time of enormous growth, both politically and artistically.

Political Intrigue

Perhaps the most obvious research paper topic is that of the political intrigue that went on before, during and after the restoration of the monarchy to power. Consider centering your paper around a single figure, such as Oliver Cromwell or Charles II. Alternately, follow the history of a date or event, such as January 6, 1661, or the official crowning of Charles II. If your teacher is a less traditional sort, consider rewriting an aspect of the Restoration era as a spy novel or police blotter.

The Church of England

The monarchy was not the only thing that the Restoration returned to power. Consider telling the story of the Church of England's return to its former glory as England's national religion. Research the ways in which vindictive Church of England members taunted followers of other religions during the Restoration period. The Clarendon Code and the 1662 Act of Uniformity also make good research paper subjects.

Arts and Literature

The Restoration was also a time of great upheaval in British arts and literature. In fact, a whole new genre of theater known as Restoration comedy sprang up. Consider researching the context and production of a single Restoration comedy, or offer a general overview of the genre. As for the rest of literature, consider examining the sharp contrast between bawdy Restoration comedy and the austere religious works written by authors such as Milton and Bunyan, or offer an analysis of a famous Restoration era work such as "Paradise Lost."

Rebellious Colonies

Great Britain was not the only country that experienced upheaval during the Restoration period. Across the Atlantic, the denizens of the new American colonies were just beginning to rebel against the newly reinstated monarchies. Consider writing about a specific figure or object, such as Francis Bacon, the Boston Declaration of Grievances or the colonial newspaper Publick Occurrences.

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