Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Take Control Of Your Vocals When Striking High Notes

Muscle control in your face and abdomen affects your vocal tone on high notes.

A lot of people may be able to hit high notes vocally, but not everyone can do so with finesse and control. When vocals go out of control on high notes, the sound is piercing in an extremely negative way. Being able to control your voice when you sing high notes is critical to becoming a singer who has a quality tone and vocal range. Singing high vocals with control is a process of training your voice.


1. Support high vocals with muscle control originating in your abdomen. Contract your abdominal muscles gently as you sing and imagine your tone stemming from your belly rather than your throat. This technique gives you greater vocal power and control when you sing high notes.

2. Create an optimal resonating chamber in your mouth and face by relaxing your facial and neck muscles, dropping your jaw and lifting your soft palette (the soft part of the roof of your mouth near the beginning of your throat).

3. Stand with erect posture so that you can control your muscles more effectively and breathe more deeply.

4. Inhale slowly and deeply so that you have the wind to support the high vocals that you are performing.

5. Imagine yourself dropping in from above the pitches as you sing them. This technique helps you to prevent "going flat," which means singing the high notes a little too low.

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