Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Create Expensive Games

Create Flash Games

Flash is a program that allows programmers to make animated movies and simple arcade-style games. One of the main benefits of using this program to make your games is that it is so widely used in the computing world. Even if those who want to play your games do not have Flash, they can download it for free from the Internet. You can even put it in an applet window right on your own Internet page amid text and pictures. Another benefit is the fact that, due to its simplicity, Flash makes basic game design accessible to novice game designers.


1. Choose a genre of game to create. Simpler types of games include classic Pac-Man-esque games, shooter games or "snake" games. If you feel a bit more daring, go with a more complex game style, such as an RPG (role-playing game) or a racing game.

2. Design your hero. If you want to maintain simplicity, make your character symmetrical. This way, you do not need to deal with turning it: a blue circle looks the same whichever way it is facing. For a classic "space shooter" like Space Invaders or Galaga, your character should be a ship that moves back and forth. Again, if you want simplicity, have the ship constantly face the direction from which enemies will be coming.

3. Build an environment. For a game like Pac-Man or a simple RPG, make a maze of walls through which your character can roam. For a space shooter game, a starfield background will suffice.

4. Design enemies. These can be just as simple or as complex as your hero. If your RPG hero is a blue circle, for instance, you can make enemies that are green squares. Fun enemies in space shooter games often look like insects or crustaceans.

5. Make effects. Projectiles and explosions are absolutely vital for space shooter games. Put flashes of light in your RPGs to show defeated enemies or damage taken to the hero. Just about every game needs "power-ups," such as the fruit in Pac-Man or flowers and mushrooms in Mario Brothers. These should appear randomly throughout the game and lend positive attributes to the hero, such as improved speed or temporary invincibility.

6. Write a story board. Every game needs a story board, even if it is only the text introducing a new level of difficulty. An RPG requires an intensive story board, while a space shooter requires only a simple story board.

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