Thursday, January 30, 2014

Create A Wordbook With Cricut Gypsy

Wordbooks are a way to create a memorable album of an even more memorable event. By selecting one word that holds a great deal of meaning, you can create the book itself to look like that word. You can use a child's name, a destination, or even a feeling to express the meaning and the importance of the book. Using a handheld design machine such as the Cricut Gypsy, you'll be swimming in wordbooks in no time at all. The Gypsy allows you to use Cricut cartridges as well as a host of other design options to create your one-of-a-kind paper projects.


1. Select the size and shape you would like your wordbook to be using your choice of Cricut cartridge. For example, you can use the George basic Shapes cartridge and select the rounded edge square for the shape of your book.

2. Resize the shape that you selected so that for each page you need, the shape will get wider and wider. For example, if your cover is 4x4 inches, your second page can be 4x5 inches wide, your third page 4x6 and so on. Be sure to keep the height the same for all of your pages.

3. Select the letters you will need from whichever cartridge you choose and size them so that they are the same height as your pages. You can use the shadow option to make the letters a bit thicker or, if you want, to add more color on top afterward.

4. Using the Gypsy touchscreen pen, drag each letter onto your page outlines in the order that they are in the word. You can line them up so that each subsequent letter is out slightly further than the last.

5. Using the "group" button on your Gypsy, combine each page outline with its letter. Simply click the group button and select the two items you wish to group together. You can confirm that this has worked by clicking on the "eye" button and zooming in to see that the edges that are meant to be cut are red and those that aren't are gray.

6. Copy each letter and drag them away from your grouped pages and letters. You will cut these out in a different color and later attach them to your wordbook.

7. Cut out each page three times. One cut will be using chipboard, the second will be using your choice of cardstock for the front page, and the third cut will be using your choice of cardstock for the back page. Keep in mind that when you are cutting out the design for the back page, you will be gluing it onto the chipboard backwards, so you'll want to print it accordingly.

8. Attach the cardstock cutout to its appropriate chipboard cutout. You can use any type of scrapbooking adhesive to do this such as glue, photostickers or a large enough Xyron machine.

9. Print the letters that you copied earlier using the color and design of cardstock you want and attach them to the letters on the pages of the book. This will make the letters and word more visible.

10. Punch a hole in each page to join the book together. If you wish, you can use multiple holes that are lined up.

11. Put the book together using paper rings, fasteners or anything else that you want to use. Tying multiple pieces of different colored ribbon looks nice as well.

12. Embellish your book, add journaling, pictures and anything else you like.

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