Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Embed Live Radio

Embed live radio in any Web page.

If you have a favorite radio station that also broadcasts a live Internet audio feed, you can share this station with Web surfers who visit your blog or website. Instead of simply linking to the audio feed provided by a radio station, you can embed the live radio feed in your Web page. This means that visitors to your site can listen to the live audio feed as they continue to browse your website.


1. Log in to your blog or Web server and navigate to the page where you want to embed the live radio station.

2. Scroll to the location in your page where you want to embed the live radio feed.

3. Insert the following embed code into your Web page:

4. Replace "" in the above example with the actual URL of the streaming radio station you want to embed on your page. See "Resources" for a list of some radio stations from which you can choose.

5. Click "Publish" or "Save," depending on the command options in the editing environment provided by your blog or Web host.

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