Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Develop A Computer With Used Parts

To save money, you may have thought about building your own computer, instead of buying one new. It is much easier to do than most people think. Read on to learn build your own computer from scratch.


1. Start with your computer case. Make sure that your motherboard will fit into your case.

2. Fit the motherboard into the computer case. Your sound card, graphics card and all other parts of your computer will run off of the motherboard.

3. Look for a square shaped spot near the top of the motherboard. Install your processor here.

4. Install your PCI cards in your PCI slots. These include network, graphics/video and sound cards. Some motherboards will have integrated sound and video cards. USB ports are often on the motherboard, too. You can purchase PCI USB cards to make sure you have plenty of ports for your peripheral items.

5. Install your RAM onto your motherboard. Install in sets of two for best results. These will go into black slots on the motherboard, similar to the PCI slots. Shoot for 512MB or more of RAM, depending on what your motherboard can handle.

6. Install your hard drive. Connect the power cables to the motherboard and screw the hardware into place within the computer case.

7. Install your disc drives. Connect the power cables to the motherboard and screw the hardware into place within the computer case.

8. Check that all cables and connections are secure.

9. Close your computer case, connect it to power and turn on the system. The system should boot up and prompt you to install an operating system and other software.

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